Friday, January 28, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
A Note to My Urban Home Goods Swap Partner
Firstly, thanks in advance for the fun we're about to have with this swap. It's my favorite one. I just got back from the fabric shop and bought some nice orange fabrics for my partner. Getting ready to try making something I've never done before.
I want to get some pictures of the room (the kids' "office") that I'm trying to spruce up, but I need to tidy it up a bit first... To tide you over, here are a couple pictures of my sweet sons doing their "work" in their "office"...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sorting scraps
Before (boxes labeled by color):



I still have 1/2 laundry basket of very small pieces. Might just sew those together improvisationally.
We will see. For now, I'm going to focus on purples & cut them into strips. I want to make a couple stripped pieced quilts. Am toying with the idea of making 15" blocks using one color per block. Could be really colorful, don't you think?
I was pretty surprised to realize that I had a lot of purple and green. By far, the color I have the most of is blue (my favorite color) and pink is a close second. I'm pretty rich with yellow and the orange pile was not too shabby, either. Guess I should get busy making some scrappy quilts.
Don't worry, I still have a big stash. :)
Future Dresden Plates
Friday, January 21, 2011
That Girl, That Quilt Along
I brought my sewing machine down to the living room and I'm getting lots done!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Kate's Shower
My littlest sister, Katie at her baby shower. She is due to have a little girl in May. Her name will be Iris. Since everyone was back home for Christmas, we threw her a baby shower. Was great to see family and friends that I don't see often.
Here are a couple pictures of me and my two sisters. Laura's on the left, Katie in the middle and I'm on the right.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Batik Picnic Quilt
No picnics for us anytime soon. 8 inches of snow should arrive tomorrow.
I think I want to focus on sandwiching a couple small quilts in the next couple days.
Also need to finish cutting the outer border for some square in a square blocks for That Girl, That Quilt Along. I'm very behind, but it's coming along. I'm probably two sewing sessions away from being ready to sew the blocks to each other to assemble the top. Not going to quilt this one myself. It'll be too big. It's going to be a big boy quilt for Owen's bed. Right now he is using a toddler bed (his crib is a conversion type bed). For his 3rd birthday in May, I'm thinking of getting him a full sized box spring and mattress. It'd be very nice to have a couple quilts finished for him. Stay tuned, people.
Monday, January 17, 2011
2 finishes!
I finished cutting 200 red 4" squares for a swap.
ALSO, I finished my kcmqg no solids allowed Kaufman challenge. It's one of those times where it looks like I'd pictured. It's all I can do to not post it, but I want it to be a surprise at the march meeting.
But if you come to my house, you can see it... I'm planning on using it right away.
So excited.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Color wheel charm square exchange
Enough complaining.
I've got three 1/4 yards cut... Seven more to go. I'll end up with 200 different 4 inch squares when I get back my swapped fabric.

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Urban home goods swap, etc.
The 3rd round of the urban home goods swap is starting up on flickr. I couldn't pass it up.
Also, there are 2 charm square swaps I'm doing. Both are 4 inch squares. I prefer 5 inch, but I'll get 200 different prints! And it only takes 1/4 yards to cut up 20 squares... Will do ispy & a color wheel one. I think these may be good for ticker tape quilts...
And I signed up for a soggy swap.
Plus I need to finish my solids challenge item for kcmqg.
I decided to pass on the monochromatic challenge for the modern qg challenge. I already have a red monochomatic king sized quilt going.
So I need to get busy!

But I've been busy doing this...

And this...

And this:

Friday, January 14, 2011
Angela Walters, My Favorite Quilter
She was our program last night at kcmqg...
She gave us advice on tops we brought in...

And she showed us other quilts she's quilted, explaining her thought process.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

So excited to see her feeling successful about quilting. I'm sure her daughter will be tickled, too!
When did it become a sin to have a great stash of fabric? If you have the space for it & if you use it to sew with, then what's the problem?
I keep seeing many of my fellow quilters obsessing about their stash. Making sure more is going out than is coming in... Guilt-ridden when they see something they want and have to have it...
Life is short! I'm all for living within your means and all that, but let's nix the guilt tips. Let's spend the time we would've been using calculating how much fabric is waiting to be used up actually sewing, instead!
Anybody with me?
Second butterfly baby quilt top completed!
I've found that if I'm planning on making one quilt, it's not much more trouble to cut out enough fabric to make two. I got most of the fabric for the butterfly wings from my stash. I've made two of these quilts, now. Love this block! It's from Mrs. Schmenkman's blog. You can find a tutorial there. It's even got a little wiggle room built in, just in case you need to fudge a bit.
For Baby Charlie
Our romance didn't last, but our friendship did. I spent the majority of my time at my grandparents' house, riding horses, playing with chickens, pretending in my playhouse or in the barn.... riding 4 wheelers... climbing on rocks... getting into seed ticks... picking all the wild violets on the 10 acre hillside...
And through it all, most of the time Chuckie Eason was by my side. We were partners in crime.
Nowadays, Chuckie Eason is a policeman and he has a beautiful pharmacist wife. They have a shiny new baby boy named Charlie. I kept meaning to make him a quilt, but I have this problem of overcommitting. *sigh* So right before Christmas, I whipped this one together. The print has a bunch of cowboy boots on it. Very Chuck.
It's not fancy, but maybe I can make it more special with my quilting. I didn't get it quilted in time to take it to them at Christmas time, but it turns out they were out of state when I visited.
I'm needing to get this puppy quilted! Must cut backing and batting... Maybe tomorrow?
Bee vintage wonky log cabin
November was my month. Should've known better than to plan my month around the holidays... Lucky for everyone else, I've been busy making stuff for other people, too... so I didn't get too bent out of shape that they hadn't all arrived yet.
But... Now I'm itching to get busy on this puppy. I still need to make a few extra blocks myself for this one, too. With the ones I make and a few that I'm expecting (hopefully soon) in the mail, this one will be ready to quilt!
Dare I quilt it myself???
I think I just might!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Getting That Itch Again
It's been a week or more since I ventured up to the attic to sew. Hubs is gone for a couple days... Letting the housework fall to the wayside til tomorrow or Wednesday. Sounds prudent, right?
Much to do in the sewing room!
I have two blocks made for Jessica for the KC Scrappy Bee, but they're not super thrilling and one needs more embroidery before I can give it to her. She's requested Christmas blocks. Much of what she loves is paper pieced. Not my forte. :( And before Christmas, I was sewing up a storm making gifts... Then I got kinda Christmas'd out. KCMQG is this Thursday and my blocks are due (technically, I only have to make one block, but I like to make more. Jessica gave me the most fantabulous block when it was my turn. Must return the favor)...
And I got my fabric packet in the mail for the new bee I'm joining. It's the Lovely Linen Bee and this month, Jodi is requesting butterfly blocks. Fine with me because that's one of my very favorites. I've been making a LOT of these blocks lately... Two baby quilts and a table runner...
And I noticed today that the second challenge for the Modern Quilt Guild is up on their website. Monocromatic Challenge. Hmm... Would like to do this one... Will see...
Plus I must finish piecing / basting / quilting / binding my cousin's butterfly baby quilt.
And I am a little behind on my KCMQG Kaufman solids challenge. A little wishy washy on exactly what I want to do... I've started but need to fully commit to my idea and finish it up.
Enough typing! Time for action! Will post pictures soon.
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Snowy day? Try cinnamon rolls!