It's Giveaway Day! Since my buddy, Tammie is participating, I decided to participate, too!
Here's a little info about me: I'm a member of two quilt guilds: The Blue Valley Quilters Guild and the Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild. I am a former first grade and ESL teacher and I currently stay at home with my 3 and 4 year old sons. I spend a lot of time thinking about quilting. I'm determined to make lots of scrappy projects this year to work on using up a bunch of my scraps, which seem to multiply each day. My favorite quilts are scrappy, anyways.
Today I'm offering up this fun fat quarter packet of 11 vintage sheets freshly laundered and chopped up by yours truly & am willing to ship internationally. I recently closed my Etsy shop due to a lack of time, so I'm extra willing to share the wealth.
To win, please become a follower of my blog and tell me a little about yourself in my comments section. Thanks for playing! A random winner will be selected after the contest is over (Dec 16 at 5 pm PST).
Thanks for entering!
Here's a link back to Sew Mama, Sew's giveaway page:

I'm already a follower and you already know a little bit about me =)
Just a little bit! Thanks for entering!
I have a friend who would especially love something made with vintage sheets - it would be fun to win this for them!
I love quilting, though I've been branching out into more sewing projects lately. I work part time and have 2 busy girls at home.
I have 2 great friends that would love this fabric. I'd love to share it with them! :)
I am from Georgia and raising twin 13 year olds. I enjoy all of the fiber arts.
I love fiber arts and seem to be currently addicted to all things sewn. I am from the north country and have an 8th month old boy who is the funniest person i know.
Stay at home mom with a 2 year old son. I started sewing & crafting while pregnant,& I haven't been able to stop!!!! Obsessed with fabric so I hope I win :)
I am a graduate student who finds comfort from the academic world in sewing, cooking and all things domestic!
i am a new follower, i love vintage sheets!
Ooooo, so cheerful--love these fat quarters!! My favorite quilts are scrappy too, Nikki.....and I am already a follower of your blog ;-)
Thanks for the chance to win such a great selection of vintage goodness. A transplanted Californian I now live in the Pacific Northwest. This collection would be great for my vintage pillow case quilt. I am now a follower.
thanks for the chance, I love the colours of this pack !
I would love to be able to quilt, of maybe with such a pack someting with appliqué could be possible... And I'm a follower now !
Beautiful fabrics and I love the colors. I am an Oregonian but born in Alaska. Still call Alaska home, but I'm tired of the long cold winters and short summers. I'm a fairly new quilter, but enjoy learning everything new. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
I have never made anything with vintage sheets. It looks like a lot of work to build a stash from scratch, so winning would sure help!
Hi Nikki! I'm a library worker by day, and quilter by night, so I'm always surrounded by my two favorite things-books and fabric. Thanks for joining in the giveaway fun, and for the chance to win your great, retro fabric!
I'm following :-)
I like to sew, too. I have tried quilting, but I'm not good at accuracy. My favorite fabric is vintage, so I'm drawn to your giveaway!
I don't see any link to sign up for your blog. It is acting kind of weird. I belong to a mini quilt group (8) and we meet once a month. I have been quilting about 10 years part time as I work FT.
Hi nikki,
I am a stay at home mum of two little girls and I love crafting in all.kind of ways. I will be a new follower of your blog.
Oh those fabrics are so bright and sunny and happy. You have a beautiful blog. Thanks for the chance to win!
Those are gorgeous colors! A bit about myself is that I love any type of stitching!
those are lovely yellows - thanks for the chance
Wow, love the vintage fabric. A little about me is that I love vintage fabric, hehe!!! Thanks for doing this!
I follow on google reader. Just getting back into sewing & these look so fun!
Hi Nikki, I just figured out how to follow you on Google Reader (I couldn't find a link on your blog to follow either). I've just recently discovered vintage sheets & started searching for them at our local thrift shops. Wow, I'm in love! Would be thrilled to add your lovely warm prints to my small collection. Thanks!
I follow in my reader!
I am Petra from Europe, I have a 2.5 year old son, and another son coming in the next few days. And I LOVE vintage fabrics!!!
I live in the midwest and am a graduate student studying occupational therapy and recently married. Within the past few years I've been teaching myself how to sew and am just finishing up my first real quilt - pinwheels with a family tree AND free-motion quilting. It's been a lot of work but lots of fun, especially to see the finished product!
I like collecting vintage fabrics and creating special little quilts.
Hi, I am a lover of textiles and crafting. I live in Brooklyn, NY with my sweetheart and our very social but not too bright kitty. Even though I am only in my mid-30s I retired from my job as a human rights lawyer due to health problems and instead spend the days trying to make beautiful things to share with those around me.
i have 2 precious little monsters, they like soft things, and snuggles. fortunately for them.. i like snuggles, and i'm getting softer and softer around the middle as i age...
2 I have 2 little boys who love them mommy knits and sews for them. I am a hairstylist by trade, and an artist by passion.
Hi there! I'm in the midwest also -- Ohio -- and mom to one great boy. I've sewn and stitched nearly all my life. Lately I've been reminded how much I love to embroider and am finding excuses to do more. :) Needle and thread-related creativity keep me sane.
I would lot to use these on my first ever hexagon quilt. I call it my therapy quilt as I work on it when things are really stressful. This year has been truly relentless so i have a nice collection of summer oranges and yellows so far!!
xo Steph
You know me!!!
My mom loves to quilt, so it'd be neat to see what she's do with it.
I live in SC and I love to sew and dabble in quilting! I really like vintage and I have a three year old.
Hi :)
My name is Catarina and Im portuguese, I live in sweden for 3 years now and bought my first sewing machine 2 weeks ago :)
Im learning to sew and enjoing all I read and the beautifull things we have acess on the net :)
Im follower and my fabric stash is really small that is why would love to receive ur giveaway eheh :)
/hug and happy xmas
Catarina Appelgren
oh, i love the orangy yellows. i work at night as a custodian and raise bebes and try to sew around that!!
I love the fabric! So pretty! I've recently started blogging and have been mostly crocheting and a bit of sewing.
Hi Nikki, followed ur blog. I am Neeza, mother of two, previously a microbiologist but quite the day-job to be a stay-home-mother. I am from Malaysia :)
I follow you in my bookmarks. I am a wife and mom. I stay home and keep these people fed and clothed...LOL! I spend my time between sewing, crocheting and cooking, with a little exercise when I can fit it in. I like to read pattern books while I am on the treadmill. Thank you for the fabulous giveaway!
I just added you to my google reader. I grew up outside KC (on the MO side).
these are BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for a great giveaway! I am a crafter starting to sell at craft shows.... I am also a social worker working from home and loving it!
Like you I like quilting! We just moved from Seattle to South America, 4 months ago!
Gorgous giveaway!
I am a SAHM from the UK and mainly sew to restore my sanity once the boys are in bed lol!
I am a newbie but i love quilys and the history and love put into them, truly works of art!
I'm from Indiana. My sister just moved to Kansas City, which makes me sad. I love making FQ quilts, and I know exactly what I'd do with these sheet FQs!!! thanks for hosting this giveaway.
I love love love these!!! thanks for doing this giveaway!! love your blog by the way adding it to my list!!
I'm already a follower! And I finally have enough blocks to finish my Bee Vintage quilt! Hurray!!
Those are some fantastic colors ! I'm a mama to 2 ( a 3.5 year old boy and a 1 year old girl) living in North Dakota. I craft so that the Northern Prairie doesn't drive me insane.
Ooo, these are very pretty fabrics! Thank you for offering them!
A bit about me. Um... I started sewing when I was little, but learned from my mom (who grew up sewing most of her own clothes) and my grandmother (who was, at the time, a professional seamstress) so was totally overwhelmed and intimidated, so I didn't really sew much until I was in my 20's. That's when I discovered theatre, and then promptly discovered that I was NOT cut out to be an actor. I kind of fell into costume design, and totally fell in love. When I was pregnant with a son, I left my full time theatre gig for freelance work, and turned my attention back to home sewing. About a year and a half ago, I took the plunge into quilting. I'm happy sewing pretty much anything, though different types of things (kid's jammies or a baby quilt or a really awesome jacket) fit the bill depending on mood.
And I'm wordy. Sorry. ;)
oh - those vintage sheets are fabulous! Look forward to seeing your next quilt (no pressure) - I love scrappy quilts too. :)
I'm from Seattle and I love vintage sheets. I have three kids and great husband and I love them all, too. :)
I'm a new follower! I'm 23, but I must've been born in the wrong era because I am addicted to all things vintage!
I'm a new follower! I live outside of Philly, but I'm a country girl at heart. I'm 23 and almost certain I was born in the wrong era because I am addicted to all things vintage.
I'm a sahm from the UK and I started sewing when I was about 8!
I'm now a follower!
I follow you.
Lovely fabrics. I'm from Malaysia and thanks for the chance to win ^^v
I'm a teacher, so I find time to sew/quilt based on the weather (summer when it's too hot and winter when it's snowy and cold). Coincidentally, this works with my teaching schedule :)
The vintage sheets I find never look that pretty! Love those colors. Merry Christmas!
following you! i love to sew and knit, and am contemplating quilting. i have a four month old and almost four yr old, so I'm the queen of unfinished projects!
I am a mom of 4 kids. Been married 11 years. Love to help at my church. Love to make cloths for my daughter and just got into making cloths for myself!
I love to sew...wish I had more time to sew.
I come from Germany and started quilting 5 years ago. I love cats :)
I follow (Google Reader) :)
I'm a follower. Love the vintage sheet fabric. I'm a budding sewist, but somewhat dampened by bad mental health problems. I have difficulty in getting motivated. Thanks for the giveaway.
i have been quilting for over 20 years....have a la modern and traditional....and i am having a new love for vintage sheets xoxox pam
I cannot believe you still have VS! I already follow :) and a little about me? Hmmmm...I have way too many UFO,s!
I cannot believe you still have VS! I already follow :) and a little about me? Hmmmm...I have way too many UFO,s!
I am a follower. My present passion is to complete the grandmother flower garden that I have started made of handmade hexies.
I don't see any way to subscribe or add to Google Friend.
I am a recently laid off mom of two. I wish the newfound extra time could be spent sewing more, but alas, I must find a new source of income, since my husband is a stay at home dad.
I'm a follower now. Great giveaway!! I'm a bit of a craftaholic. I spin, knit, crochet, dye yarn and fibre, sew diapers and clothing (I made my wedding dress), bead, hand embroider, mod podge... I'm a SAHM with two little guys, 4 and 2, and a baby girl, Abigail Grace.
A little about me. I'm newish to blogging and vintage sheet collecting. It's been fun so far though!
oooh fun! i have a ton of vintage sheets, but my stash is sadly lacking in yellow, so this would be fabulous to win! plus, i promised myself that i'd do at least two vintage sheet quilts per year - given the size of my stash, that's barely going to make a dent in it - but this year i didn't manage it, so maybe some new prints would jumpstart me!
i couldn't figure out how to follow you either, so i added you to my bloglovin' list instead. you can see who follows you on their site -
I am a new mom of 2 babies, Olivia (13 months) and Tomás (2 months). Because of my first pregnancy I decided to sew a few things for babies, and I found out that I just can't stop looking for new projects :)
Would be great to win those!
I had my hubby pick a random # and our winner is AZ10Z, who wrote:
2 I have 2 little boys who love them mommy knits and sews for them. I am a hairstylist by trade, and an artist by passion.
Congrats to you and thanks, everyone for playing!!!!
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