Can I just tell you that I am a big proponent of getting away. When you're short with the ones you love. When your toenails have chipped away paint from months ago. When your lists are full of work and no play. When the city life is cramping your style. It's probably time to get out of Dodge.
First stop: trader joe's.

Then the liquor store. ;)
A 30 minute drive to this
Then this

Lots of nature
A labyrinth
A cozy cabin
Some unfinished projects

And a couple new projects
The Sex and the City DVD Boxed set, coffee, bailey's, wine, comfort food & solitude.
Then I met some of my KCMQG peeps for lunch
And made it home in time to celebrate dh's birthday with the in-laws
Hubs was exhausted & I feel appreciated & loved.

Clean house, new headboard for my bed. Loving kids. Can't ask for more.
Here's where I went if you'd like to get away, too!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone