This one will be my favorite yet...

And we are making it for this sweetie:

Don't you think he needs a nice heavy quilt? It is COLD here in Kansas...
He actually has several quilts, but none are as big as this one will be.
This one's bright and cheery. Almost finished with a second block... But I'm going to bed. Will finish it tomorrow.
I missed out on the first couple rounds of the modern siggy swap on flickr. A few of us started another round with just 30 blocks. A manageable amount!
I've got mine ready to send. We are all using our stash. The only fabric I bought was the white kona. :)
A 24 hours stomach virus has visited my house. Like always, I have managed to keep from getting it. I think all those years of teaching in elementary school must've built up my immunity.
First Owen had it. Fever. Vomit. Sad.
Then about the time he was on the mend, poor Wyatt caught it. He was puking and needing his dad at 5 am Monday morning when his dad was trying to get ready to head to the airport for an early flight. Changed the sheets, juggled a restless Owen, managed to get Tylenol down Wyatt and got dad out the door on time. Even got a couple more hours sleep.
Today is Wednesday and everyone's over the plague. Lots of sleep yesterday since we were behind.
:) So happy to have my sweet boys back.
That girl, that quilt along. To be quilted by Angela Walters for my son, Owen's 3rd birthday in late May for his big boy bed.
That Girl, That Quilt Along. I have a flannel backing of the red print in the bottom center. Need to piece it together and this puppy will be ready to go to the fabulous Angela Walters for quilting. It's for my baby boy who will be getting a big boy bed for his 3rd birthday in May.
I'm always signing up for charm square exchanges. Especially batik ones. I'm trying to use up my stash of batik charm squares by making picnic quilts. I have one that's really big and ready to bind. Need to remember to buy some fabric for the binding...
Since I have two sons, I decided it'd be a good idea to make two of these quilts, so I started sewing squares into rows.
I'm realizing as I lay these out that I probably have enough to make a smaller third quilt. Not sure what I'll do with it, but since I am on a roll, I'm just going to keep on sewing squares into strips and see how much I have when they're all sewn together.
I am not much of a planner when I sew... I fly by the seat of my pants most of the time.
You can get a better idea of what these fabrics look like in this pic.
I made this nice little Jane Market Bag. Realized I put the handles on incorrectly (oops) but it's finished and I'm not going to change it. My partner likes orange. This isn't a color I'd normally sew with, but this fabric is really funky and I am a sucker for any paisley print. Glad i have some fabric leftover for future projects. I used a moda solid inside. It's an obnoxious orange that matches really well. The picture quality in this photo isn't very good. I almost always use my iphone to take pics. I suppose I should charge my battery for my camera, but it's 4 years old. I'm not sure how the photo quality compares to my phone...