I never thought much about it, but I have quite a few pin cushions... Here are a few of them...
These first two belonged to my great grandmother. I use the tomato looking one for needles. It's got a little attachment (the strawberry looking thing) that sharpens needles. Very handy.

These three were made by a good family friend, Mary Harrison. She made all of them from discarded fabric (the bottom two were made from scraps she took from my sewing room trash can when she visited...). Was a great reminder that we should be resourceful and not wasteful. She even saved up lint from her dryer to stuff these with. I love them!

These are two of the ones I use most often. The blue one is magnetic, so it's very handy. I sometimes use it if I'm taking my sewing somewhere to work on it. The one on the bottom is a nice and puffy one I bought at the Blue Valley Quilters' Guild's boutique during last year's quilt show. It has my very favorite type of pins sticking out of it. Love those flat heads.
I have two others that are not in my sewing room. One is a triangular shaped chicken (and it has strangely flown the coop... not sure where it is!). The other is an adorable little light blue crocheted cupcake. Must get you guys a picture of these two...
Last month, I learned from my friend Trisch that it's a great idea to store your safety pins in a box or tin that closes and that you should leave them open when they're in the box. It's quicker to use these when pinning a quilt to baste it if the pins aren't shut.
She also puts each pin in place in the fabric without closing them. When every safety pin is in place, she goes back and closes all of them. This is because often when you're pinning a sandwiched quilt, it is a lot of trouble to have to go back and open each safety pin if you have to readjust your sandwich.