Thanks so much for joining me from Amy's Bloggers' Quilt Festival 2011.
Here are the latest two quilts I've completed. I Spy quilts for my sons.
So I signed up for a couple online swaps for charm squares. Both swaps were for 4 inch charms. The first swap got me 200 I Spy squares, but most of the prints were really busy looking. I put them on a shelf, waiting for inspiration to strike... Then a color wheel swap started up and I jumped at the chance to add 200 more squares to my stash. These squares were really nice because most of them were calmer prints or solids. I sorted all 400 charm squares into piles by color & started making 16 patches. It didn't take long to come up with the rest of my plan. A rainbow aesthetic was sure to draw my kids' eyes. I supplemented some from my stash and a couple friends helped me out with oranges and purples, which I seemed to be short on.
Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you'll subscribe & want to learn more about me. You can find more of my work and my taste here on my blog, on my Flickr photostream, on my twitter profile, in my Etsy shop or on my Pinterest boards.